Nature inspired design & illustration

We dedicate November to all of the under appreciated creatures who play important roles. First up, the hardworking pollinators, honey bees. Without these buzzing beauties, we’d all be pretty hungry. Let’s hear it for the honey bees!

Honey Bee Illustration

First up, the hardworking pollinators, honey bees. Without these buzzing beauties, we’d all be pretty hungry. Let’s hear it for the honey bees!

Seattle custom illustration

Next up, the opossum. Opossums get a bad rap, but they’re actually beneficial little creatures. These marsupial scavengers are often referred to as nature’s garbage disposals because they consume decaying plants and animals. They also help control the spread of lyme disease by snacking on ticks. Let’s hear it for opossums!

seattle nature illustration

Finally, we have the green lacewing. Lacewings are slender, delicate bugs with huge transparent wings and voracious appetites for aphids.They’re one of the top garden predators and a key species in sustainable farming. Let’s thank the lacewings for our aphid free organic produce!